DUI Defense Case Results

Tampa DUI & Criminal Defense Attorney


At Brian Palacios Law, we are committed to thoroughly investigating each case, examining all the evidence, and questioning any inconsistencies or doubts. Our main objective is to always achieve the best possible outcome for our clients, whether it’s through dismissal of charges, reduction of charges, or sealing/expungement of records. We understand how much a criminal record can impact someone’s life, and we are devoted to assisting our clients in starting fresh. Here are some specific examples of DUI cases we have effectively managed:


Noteworthy wins


J.Q. – Boating Under the Influence


Incident: Client arrested and charged with Boating under the Influence. He was observed standing on the seat of his boat, using his feet to steer the vessel. Florida Fish and Wildlife officers noticed this and boarded the boat for a safety inspection.


Details: The client had difficulty providing the necessary items requested by law enforcement and participated in sobriety exercises. Subsequently, he was arrested and refused a breath test.


Outcome: The case was reduced to Reckless Boating with no conviction. The client is eligible to have his record sealed, allowing him to legally state that he has never been arrested before.


C.W. – Driving Under the Influence and Fleeing to Elude a Police Officer


Incident: Client was arrested and charged with Driving Under the Influence (DUI) and Fleeing to Elude a Police Officer. Officers attempted to stop the client’s vehicle using lights and sirens. The client drove to a nearby parking lot, parked his car, exited the vehicle, and left the scene on foot.


Details: As the client was walking away from the parking lot, officers tackled him. A DUI investigation was conducted, during which the client refused to participate in field sobriety exercises and declined to provide a breath sample.


Outcome: The Fleeing to Elude charge was dismissed, and the DUI charge was reduced to Reckless Driving with no conviction. The client is eligible to have his record sealed, allowing him to legally state that he has never been arrested before.


M.W. – Client was arrested for his second DUI within 5 years.


Details: The client was found intoxicated inside a gas station, prompting the gas station clerk to call the police to have him trespassed. Police arrived just as the client was in his car with the engine running, about to leave. A DUI investigation ensued, during which the client was argumentative and uncooperative with law enforcement. He was eventually placed in handcuffs and taken into custody, facing mandatory jail time.


Outcome: BP Law successfully negotiated a reduction of the charge to Reckless Driving with no jail time. This outcome has significant implications for the client’s future, as it avoids mandatory incarceration.


V.K. – Arrested and charged with DUI. Client was pulled over after committing a traffic infraction.


Details: Client was coming home from a bar and had an odor of alcohol on her breath. She participated in field sobriety exercises, showed signs of impairment, and was arrested. She provided a breath sample, with results of .205/.223.


Outcome: BP Law successfully negotiated a reduction of the charge to Reckless Driving, despite the extremely high breath alcohol result.


P.R. – Client arrested for 2nd DUI.


Details: Client was stopped for a speeding violation. He informed the officers that he was returning from a bar after a softball game and that his house was right around the corner. The client had an odor of alcohol on his breath and slurred speech. The officer then requested the client to step out of the vehicle and participate in field sobriety exercises, which the client refused. Consequently, he was placed in handcuffs. Additionally, the client refused to provide a breath sample. A second DUI conviction would have mandated an interlock device installation in the client’s vehicle as per legal requirements.


Outcome: BP Law argued that there was insufficient evidence of impairment and successfully had the case reduced to Reckless Driving.


D.P. – Client was arrested and charged with DUI.


Details: Client had just finished medical school and was starting his residency training. He was pulled over for a traffic infraction. The client was cooperative and submitted to the DUI investigation but was ultimately arrested. He then refused to provide a breath sample. Given that any plea, even a reduction to Reckless Driving, would have been detrimental to his burgeoning career as a doctor, the only viable option was to fight the case rigorously.


Outcome: BP Law rose to the challenge and successfully got the entire case dismissed, preserving the client’s professional future and ensuring no blemish on his record.


A.H. – Client arrested for Driving under the Influence and Child Neglect.


Details: The client was driving her car in line for a COVID vaccination. Once it was her turn, she accidentally drove through the vaccination site causing an accident. She had alcohol on her breath and her child was in the back seat at the time. The client was immediately arrested and taken to jail but refused to provide a breath sample, and no other DUI investigation was conducted.


Outcome: BP Law meticulously scrutinized the details of the case and successfully got the entire case dismissed, protecting the client’s record and ensuring no further legal consequences.


A.J.  – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Client was pulled over for running a red light in downtown Tampa after a dinner and a show. She had bloodshot, watery eyes and the odor of alcohol on her breath. She admitted to consuming alcohol and refused to do field sobriety exercises. Consequently, she was taken into custody for a DUI.


Outcome: BP Law successfully negotiated to have the case reduced to Reckless Driving with no conviction. The client is eligible for a sealing which will completely remove everything from her record, allowing her to legally state that she has never been arrested.

C.J. – Client was arrested for DUI.


Details: Client was pulled over for continuing to drive straight through a turn-only lane. Upon being stopped, the officer noticed an odor of alcohol on the client’s breath and slurred speech. Subsequently, the client participated in a field sobriety exercise, during which he exhibited further signs of impairment. As a result, he was arrested for DUI. Following his arrest, the client agreed to provide a breath sample, which showed blood alcohol levels of .178/.176, leading to an enhanced DUI charge.


Outcome: The outcome was highly favorable for the client, as he is now eligible to have his record completely sealed and can legally claim that he has never been arrested before. Despite the severity of these findings, BP Law successfully negotiated a reduction of the charge to Reckless Driving with no conviction.


L.M. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: The client was pulled over for speeding. When the officer made contact, he detected the odor of an alcoholic beverage and noticed that the client had bloodshot, watery eyes. The client agreed to participate in field sobriety exercises, which revealed signs of impairment. Consequently, the client was placed under arrest for DUI and subsequently refused the breath test.


Outcome: BP Law intervened and successfully negotiated a reduction of charges to Reckless Driving with no conviction. As a result, the client is now eligible to have this case expunged from her record and can legally claim she has never been arrested before.



J.B. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Client’s vehicle was observed running a red light, weaving back and forth in its lane, and striking a curb. During the traffic stop, the client’s vehicle was slow to react and didn’t pull over for several blocks. Upon making contact with the client, the officer observed an odor of alcohol, slurred speech, lethargic movements, bloodshot watery eyes. The client admitted to drinking a beer and a whiskey. The client performed poorly on the field sobriety exercises and was placed under arrest for DUI. The client provided a breath sample of .195/.211.


Outcome: BP Law was able to get the case reduced to Reckless Driving with no conviction. The client is able to have this arrest removed from his record and can legally say he has never been arrested before. This was a tremendous result.


J.K. – Client arrested for 2nd DUI.


Details: Client was stopped in the middle of an intersection. The officer conducted a traffic stop due to this and also because of an expired tag. Upon making contact with the client, the officer noticed several signs of impairment: the odor of alcohol, slurred speech, and bloodshot watery eyes. The officer requested that the client perform field sobriety exercises. The client cooperated and participated in those exercises, but demonstrated signs of impairment. As a result, the client was arrested for DUI. When asked to provide a breath sample, the client refused.


Outcome: This incident marked the client’s second DUI offense, which would have required a mandatory interlock device to be installed in her vehicle. However, BP law intervened and successfully convinced the State to reduce the case to Reckless Driving.


J.D. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: The client was pulled over for running a stop sign in Ybor City while heading home. The officer noticed the odor of alcohol on his breath and slurred speech. Additionally, the client had difficulty providing the requested documentation. Subsequently, the officer asked him to step out of the vehicle to perform field sobriety exercises, during which he exhibited signs of impairment. After being placed in handcuffs for DUI, the client refused the breath test.


Outcome: BP Law successfully got the charge reduced to Reckless Driving with no conviction. As a result, the client can have the case completely removed from his record and legally state that he has never been arrested before.


A.C. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Client was pulled over after an officer observed him doing a burnout with his tires. Upon approaching the vehicle, the officer detected the odor of alcohol and noticed the client had slurred speech. The client explained that he was merely picking up a friend to take him home. The officer then requested the client to perform field sobriety exercises, to which the client agreed. During these exercises, the client exhibited signs of impairment and was subsequently arrested for DUI. The client was asked to provide a breath sample but refused.


Outcome: BP Law negotiated the case, resulting in a reduced charge of reckless driving. This favorable outcome included no conviction, allowing the client to have this case expunged from his record.


M.L. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Client was pulled over for running a stop sign. Upon making contact, the officer detected the odor of alcohol and noticed her bloodshot, watery eyes. She admitted to having consumed alcohol. Subsequently, she participated in field sobriety exercises, during which she showed signs of impairment. As a result, she was placed under arrest for DUI and refused to take the breath test.


Outcome: BP Law intervened and successfully got the DUI charge reduced to Reckless Driving (RD) with no conviction recorded. This outcome allows the client to have her record expunged, enabling her to legally state that she has never been arrested.


A.B. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Client’s vehicle was pulled over as a result of a complaint that her car was swerving all over the road. During the traffic stop, the officer noticed the distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the client’s breath, slurred speech, and bloodshot, watery, glassy eyes. Field sobriety exercises were performed, and further signs of impairment were observed. The client was placed under arrest for DUI. On the way to the jail, the client vomited on herself and went to the bathroom in her pants. She could not stop getting sick, so she was taken to the hospital for evaluation and treatment. A few hours later, she was released from the hospital and taken to jail. She then provided a breath sample of .138/.142.


Outcome: BP law was able to get the case reduced to Reckless Driving. This was a tremendous result given the facts and circumstances of this case.


F.R. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: The client was pulled over for speeding. When contact was made, the officer noticed the odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the client’s breath, slurred speech, and bloodshot, watery eyes. The client informed the officer that he was leaving a New Year’s party. Additionally, his two children were in the back seat, and he had a suspended driver’s license. Field sobriety exercises were conducted, during which signs of impairment were observed. Following the arrest, the client refused to provide a breath sample.


Outcome: BP Law demonstrated a lack of impairment and successfully had the case reduced to Reckless Driving.


J.M. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: The client was pulled over for failing to maintain a single lane while driving. Upon making contact, the officer noticed several indicators of impairment: glassy eyes, slurred speech, and the odor of an alcoholic beverage emanating from the client’s breath. Field sobriety exercises were conducted, revealing further signs of impairment. Consequently, the client was placed under arrest for DUI. When requested to provide a breath sample, the client refused.


Outcome: BP Law intervened and managed to get the case reduced to a Reckless Driving charge. This outcome was extremely important because the client held a commercial driver’s license (CDL). A DUI conviction would have had severe implications on the client’s career and ability to maintain their livelihood as a commercial driver.


P.D. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Officer responded to a parking lot crash after the client attempted to leave following a minor collision while backing up his vehicle. Upon arrival, contact was made with the client, and the officer observed several indicators of impairment, including an odor of alcohol on the client’s breath, glassy eyes, and slurred speech. Field sobriety exercises were conducted, during which additional signs of impairment were noted. After the arrest, the client refused to provide a breath sample.


Outcome: BP law successfully got the case reduced to Reckless Driving.


A.B. – Client arrested for DUI.


Details: Officers conducted a welfare check on the client while she was in her vehicle to determine if she was ill, tired, or impaired. Upon making contact with her, officers noticed several indicators of impairment: a distinct odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the client’s breath, watery and glossy eyes, and slurred speech. The client agreed to perform field sobriety exercises, during which further signs of impairment were observed. Consequently, the client was arrested for DUI and subsequently refused to provide a breath sample.


Outcome: BP law intervened and managed to get the case reduced to Reckless Driving without a conviction. As a result, the client has the opportunity to have her case completely sealed, allowing her to legally state that she has never been arrested before.